If you have requested assistance from FoxwoodsONLINE but have yet to receive an email, our email response might possibly have inadvertently landed in your Junk/Spam Folder.
Depending on your email provider, you should easily be able to search your Inbox, including your Junk/Spam Folder, for our FoxwoodsONLINE email: support@online.foxwoods.com.
If you have a Gmail Account, you can find instructions on how to search here.
If you have a Yahoo Account, you can find instructions on how to search here.
If you have a Hotmail Account, you can find instructions on how to search here.
If we have sent you an email response, you will be able to locate it by searching with the above methods. If your email provider is not included in the list above, please contact them directly for instructions.
In order to prevent this moving forward, add support@online.foxwoods.com as a trusted email address in the future. This page contains instructions on how to do so with several different email providers.
If you are still having issues locating your existing support request, please click here to contact us directly for further assistance.
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